For centuries of Catholic religious supremacy, the church and its million followers were shaken over the recent resignation of its pontiff. Pope Benedict XVI etched a mark in the annals of  the Catholic Church history to be the first pope to resign in 600 years.

Numerous speculations clogged the internet artery over the controversial pronouncement and leaves a void on the catholic hierarchical leadership and its Castel Gandolfo's resident.

If you believe in the chilling 12th century papal prophecy, the world or religion is one pope away to the end. The prophecy is attributed to St. Malachy, a papal legate for Ireland who documented the papal prophecy through his vision while in trance in 1139. The document predicted that there would be only 112 more popes before the Last Judgement - Benedict XVI is the 111th. He also designated two syllable cryptic codes written in Latin to describe each popes and some of them appear to align with reality in some way.
St. Malachy's document


PIUS X 1903 - 1914
Guiseppe Sarto
THE BURNING FIRE (Ignis ardens): This Pope showed a burning passion for the renewal in the church.

BENEDICT V 1914 - 1922
Giacomo Della Chiesa
RELIGION DESTROYED (Religio depopulata): Communism crept into Russia where religious rights laid waste during his tenure. His influence failed to stop World War 1 and left millions dead.

PIUS XI 1922 - 1939
Achelli Ratti
INTREPID FAITH (Fides intrepida): His reign was faced with tremendous pressure from fascism and sinister powers of Germany and Italy. He got the ire from Hitler from being very outspoken against communism and fascism.

PIUS XII 1939 - 1958
Eugenio Pacelli
ANGELIC SHEPHERD (Paftor angelicus) : Had a great affinity for the spiritual world and received visions which have not been made public. He established Vatican City as a sovereign country.

JOHN XXIII 1958 - 1963
Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli
SHEPHERD AND SAILOR (Paftor & nauta) : A pastor to the world and a patriarch of Venice

PAUL VI 1963 - 1978
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini
FLOWER OF FLOWERS (Flos florum): Paul's coat of arms depicts three Fleur-de-lis, corresponding to Malachy's prophecy.

JOHN PAUL I  1978 - 1978
Albino Luciani
OF THE HALF MOON (De medeitate lunae) : elected pope in 26August 1978 during a half moon and the died the following month, soon after a lunar eclipse. He was born in the diocese of Belluno(Beautiful moon). He reigned for 33days.

JOHN PAUL II 1978 - 2005
Karol Wojtyla

FROM THE LABOR OF THE SUN (De labore solis) : Born 18May1920 on a day of a solar eclipse and was entombed 08April2005 on a day of a solar eclipse. Like the sun, he came out from the east (POLAND).

BENEDICT XVI 2005 - 2013
Joseph Ratzinger
GLORY OF THE OLIVES (Gloria olivae) : His regnal name derives from St. Benedict of Nursia, the founder of the Benedictine Order. The olives in his coat of arms came from a branch of monastic order of Benedictine called the Olivetans. Interestingly, Jesus made his apocalyptic prophecy in the Mount of Olives. His reign is the beginning of tribulation as Jesus spoke.

PETER THE ROMAN (Petrus romanus) : He will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven - hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful judge will judge the people. The end.
