Katunggan Project

For the search of something relevant to do, we went for a sortie around town and a road led us to an area with a small patch of mangrove cover and a dozen newly planted Rhizophora. Like a time machine, our thoughts brought us to the time where it used to be lush with this unique trees and poked fond memories into awakening.

The contrasting picture from the past timeline and that of the present makes one cringe in disgust for the unabated destruction of the mangrove ecosystem.

Without further whining, we walk the talk and established the area under SB Resolution #19-017 Series of 2013. Planted thousands of Rhizophora sp. with the help of the LGU, AFP, PNP,Academe, the community and the private sectors. The planted propagules looked very promising until it was attacked by barnacles clinging on its stems. Concerted efforts to save it from the infestation was a daunting task by the sheer number of affected plants and the toughness of the barnacles. Other pressing problem arose with the gleaners uprooting the plants in search of shellfishes. Fenced were reinforced to keep away the gleaners and leave the young plants undisturbed.

Faced with the challenging problems, we turned to the vast information over the internet and do our own research. We found our intention grand but were introducing a wrong species in the area thus the high mortality rate. Experimented sowing the available seeds of Avicennia (piapi) from the mature trees in the area and found it grow so well with no barnacles clinging on them with roots well grounded that with stand some wave action.

Currently, we have grown Avicennia, Sonneratia and Rhizophora plants and hopefully can expand planting to adjacent areas to rehabilitate this fragile ecosystem for the benefit of the fishing community.

With scant financial resources, we were able to maintain sustain ably a portion through constant monitoring and donations from private individuals. 1,720 newly planted seedlings  with 560 seeds germinating in our nursery as of to date.

You can help bring back the mangrove ecosystem and improve the lives of our fisherfolks by donating to SMSP BATCH 80'S ADVOCACY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION, INC. Contact us at +639157137109 email: katungganprojectph@gmail.com FB: www.facebook.com/katungganproject
