About 2:00PM today, A fire broke in the residence of a certain Barsalote along Mabini Street. The billowing smoke that rises up alerted the Padada townsfolk aka "usesero" and rushed to the scene as if another live telenovela was unfolding right in front of their irises while the people of the neighborhood where the fire struck were in great panic, children and women crying, men tried to quell the fire and help their neighbors to save anything surrounded by the apathetic onlookers. The adjacent house of Mang Elyo Olando wasn't spared by the voracious fire. It started to lick the house of Nick Lovitos but was spared as the firetrucks arrived.
If only every "useseros" would bring water whenever they rushed to a fire scene, they can make a difference than just watching the misery of other people with apathy.
ohh I feel sorry for Cherry and the family..She's my classmate.Pasalamat lng ta nobody hurt..Hopefully they'll be ok..Edith